
Personal data protection policy

This privacy policy applies to all personal data collected and/or processed by the publisher of the " FURER SA Régisseurs & Courtiers " website.


" Site " : refers to all pages accessible via a browser at : https://www.furer.ch/
" Data ": within this policy refers to all personal data, as defined by applicable legislation and in particular Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (RGPD) relating to a natural person;
" Controller " : refers to the entity that collects and processes the Data, in this case the site publisher;
" Subprocessor ": refers to any natural or legal person that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller;
" Data Subject ": refers to the natural person to whom the data that is the subject of the processing relates. A Data Subject is deemed to be any natural person who can be identified within the meaning of the regulations in force, directly or indirectly, in particular by means of a name, unique identification number, location data, unique pseudonym, or one or more specific elements specific to his or her physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural or social identity sufficient for his or her identification;
" Processing ": means any operation applied to Data.


The purpose of this data protection policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") is to inform Data Subjects of the manner in which Data is collected and processed by the Company;es of the manner in which Data is collected and processed by the publisher, and to inform them of their rights as well as the means of exercise made available by the publisher.


For all browsing and purchasing on the Site, the Processor is https://furer.ch.


Finalities of the Processing

As part of the operation of the Site, the Publisher collects and processes data in accordance with the purposes set out at the time of collection, namely :

  • The performance of statistical studies on browsing,
  • The creation and proper operation of the personal area,
  • The management of orders placed;alis through the site,
  • Management of cookies,
  • Management of contacts made through the form provided for this purpose.


Data processed

As part of the collection, the publisher may collect the following data:

Identity: name, surname, e-mail address, address, cell phone number, Data that must be communicated to the publisher's services are indicated as such.

The method of collection is to enter the Data in the fields provided for this purpose, or to collect it via cookies that have been accepted in advance.

As part of the online payment of purchases, the bank details transmitted are not collected by the publisher and are not processed by it in any way.

They are exclusively and directly processed by the secure payment service set up by the publisher, the conditions of which are available on its website:


The objective pursued by the collection of Data is the proper operation of the Site and the tracking of orders placed through it.

Only the data required for this purpose is collected and processed.


3.Data security

Processed data is stored in a secure manner, and access to it is strictly forbidden;e et leur accès fait l'objet d'un contrôle strict et réserv&e; aux seules personnes n39;ayant d'accéder.

All access to Data is subject to access to a specialized and secure module, protected by technical measures and strong passwords.

4.Recipients of data

Compliant with regulations, the publisher has implemented organizational and technical measures in accordance with the state of the art;art organizational and technical measures to protect the security, integrity and confidentiality of Data, and to prevent unauthorized access.

The Recipients are the Publisher and its employees with an interest in consulting them.

5.Data transferred to public authorities and/or bodies

In accordance with regulations, Data may be transferred to the competent authorities upon request;te motive;e et notamment aux organismes publics, exclusivement pour r&eacacute;pondre aux obligations légales, les auxiliaires de justice, les officiers ministériels et les organismes chargés d'effectuer le recouvrement de créances.

6. Duration of retention

Data relating to accounts or orders are not retained beyond two years from the last connection to the Account, or order.

As an exception, in application of the relevant regulations, accounting data, particularly relating to invoicing, will be kept in archive form for 10 years from the date of invoicing.

7.Rights of the persons concerned

The persons concerned have the right of access, the right of rectification, the right of deletion (right of access), the right of rectification (right of rectification), the right of deletion (right of deletion), the right of rectification (right of rectification), the right of deletion (right of deletion), the right of rectification (right of rectification), the right of deletion (right of deletion) and the right of access (right of access); erasure (the right to forget), the right to object, the right to restrict processing and the right to portability of their Data.

These rights may be exercised, in accordance with the amended law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, and the RGPD.

  • by simple request by mail électronique à l'adresse suivante: info@furer.ch
  • by paper mail à l'adresse de l'Éditeur
  • through the contact page on the Site.

When processing any request, proof of identity may be requested.

In the event of a breach of the provisions below, the User has the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL (https://www.cnil.fr).


8. Transfer of data

As a matter of principle, the Data collected on the site are exclusively used by the publisher.

However, in the event of an order placed through the Site, the Data of the Persons concerned may be transmitted to the publisher's logistics partners (delivery and shipping services). The legal basis for this transfer is the sales contract.

In addition, prior to any transfer of Data to third parties, the consent of the Person concerned will be obtained.

However, the Publisher reserves the right to transfer the Data in order to comply with its legal obligations, and in particular if compelled to do so by a court order.


9. Sécurité

L'Éditeur attaches particular importance to the protection of the personal data of its users and partners, but must rely on their active collaboration to enable the protection of Data. The editor therefore recommends the systematic use of strong passwords. (for further information, please refer to the guide: https://www.ssi.gouv.fr/guide/mot-de-passe).


A cookie is a small file stored by a server on a user's terminal (computer, telephone, etc.) and associated with a web domain (in most cases, all the pages of a given website). This file is automatically sent back when you subsequently contact the same domain.

Cookies have many uses: they can be used to store your customer ID with a merchant site, the current contents of your shopping cart, the language in which the web page is displayed, an identifier enabling your browsing to be tracked for statistical or advertising purposes, and so on.

There are several types of cookies:

  • Native, internal cookies enable information to be recorded between two visits to the same website on the same device. They can be used to save shopping baskets, connection identifiers or interface personalization elements. They do not require the user's consent.
  • Statistical cookies » enable the tracking of an Internet user's actions on a website. When the statistics are anonymous (i.e. do not allow a person to be identified), the user's consent is not required.
  • Internal or first-party cookies are set by the site consulted. They may be set in addition to the cookies required and may be used to collect personal data, track user behavior and serve advertising purposes.

So-called third-party cookies are cookies placed by (or for) a site B (often an advertising company) on a site A : this enables site B to see which pages have been visited on site A by a user and to collect information about him.

The information stored on the terminal is theoretically limited to the domain being visited. In practice, this is not only the case for first-party cookies set by the main domain. In fact, web pages may integrate content from other domains.

All non-essential cookies are subject to acceptance of their dépôt when connecting to the Site.

Essential cookies are deleted at the end of browsing, and are not used to collect any Data.

The length of time cookies are retained varies according to the type of cookie.

For the proper operation of the Website, BOONDOOA may set cookies on the Visitor's browser.

For statistical purposes, BOONDOOA and your customer name may collect browsing information through the use of cookies.

Visitors are free to accept or reject cookies by configuring their browser (disabling all or some cookies - see web browser manual or help function).

The deactivation of cookies may result in the unavailability of certain Site Services.

The Visitor may, moreover, at any time delete the recording of cookies, or the cookies already recorded on his or her computer, by setting the privacy protection options of his or her Internet browser.

The CNIL website also provides instructions on how to manage and delete cookies on your browser.

These explanations are available at the following address: https://www.cnil.fr/fr/cookies-les-outils-pour-les-maitriser.

The cookies set, where applicable, are active for a maximum of thirteen (13) months.

The maximum retention period for Data resulting from their use is 25 months

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